Dear Readers,

Forst is something we can better do without.

A lot of things mankind can have under controll, as far as agriculture is concerned but frost is, for sure, a factor which is, on a large scale, impossible to handle.

Turkey, in this respect, is having problems.

Frost at the wrong time, when budding and shooting takes place, can bring severe damage to the crop resp. can decrease quality and (not in the last place) can diminish the total quantity.on a large scale.
At this moment it is hard to judge what the final impact in the Turkish vineyards will be.
Insiders claim that because of it the crop will, surely, be importantly smaller than last season but adding last years’ carry-over to the expected crop, the final outcome could well be in the vacinity of the 2014 figure.

On one side it means: the only thing one can do is: wait and see what the final result really shall be.

On the other side: (there is always another side!) those buyers who are not fully covered until the end of the year and do not want to take the risk of a smaller “overall” (worldwide) crop, whereby one should not underestimate the current strategy in California which means the ongoing decrease of acres of vineyards to the benefit of the almonds and on top of that the drought-problem for the fourth year in row, still have the opportunity to cover themselves because
it goes without saying that growers, worldwide, will try to take advantage of any negative information and shall try to recover from the lower price-levels of last season.

Taking the above into consideration, we have noted already that a lot of buyers do obviously foresee a higher market and take their measurements!!